Doesn't this make your day! W-O-W, Taylor looks great! Young and ripped at 17! LOVE IT!I like this picture MORE because Taycob's in it! Hope you do too!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Jacob in the Picture!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:22 PM
Friday, July 24, 2009
New Moon Soundtrack: Date Settled/ And merchandise too!!!!
The date the soundtrack comes out is.....OCTOBER 13th!!!! Yay!!!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 5:08 PM
More Already?!

Well first of all now I'm really craving a whopper! Because soon Burger King will start selling New Moon crowns to fans and fast food eaters!! You can choose your side/Edward or Jacob/ Edward's crown has a picture of Bella and the Cullen Clan. Jacob's crown has Bella and the rest of Jacob's shirtless werewolf friends. AND right under are the New Moon dolls that are being sold!It actually looks like Jacob can actually whoop Edward in a fight! I mean he looks like he REALLY can! These dolls were featured at Comic-Con. (Scroll Down)

Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 4:33 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 3:33 PM

Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 3:27 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
okay,okay..... I'm partially fine.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Okay I'm done.... I bet girls everywhere are SOBBING! AHHHHHHHHH! *sniff* Taylor and his Ex are now back together...... DATING! NOOOOOOO! The heartbreak! Now there is a hole in my heart that will never mend.... unless they break up! Which will be good to the Taycob fans!*sniff,sniff, sob* Oh the sorrow.... *cries for an hour,comes back and finishes post* I'm brokenhearted now! bye..
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 5:42 PM

Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 5:23 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
NEW "New Moon" closeup set picture!
Here is a new picture from the set of "New Moon". You can see that KStew or as you all know her as Bella, is talking to the director Chris Weits. But you can't really see it because it's a closeup so don't whine about you not seeing him! ANYwaaaayyyy, just wanted to say that I am SSSSOOOO looking forward to this movie!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 3:31 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
That adds some more interest into your reading! I want all three, never use them, and stare at them(Jacob one) all day! Oh and if you are wondering why I am following my own blog, this is the answer.... I want more people to check it out! So if they check out my little picture in the folllowers box they can maybe see my blog and JOIN IT! Which would be very good, for me of course! Yeah... Well these bookmarks are awesome!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 12:01 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
He Has It!
Jacob Black
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 8:43 AM
Thats Kinda Disgusting...
Ewwww.... The makeup is horrible but it's very gory to think about... Well the good thing about this picture is that the crazy Rob fans didn't do it! It's just the makeup on the "Remember Me" set. He looks so pale! The fake blood makes him look even MORE pale. And the picture MORE disgusting! I am tan and have black hair! I can be Jacob's sister so he looks extra pale to me!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 8:17 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009
Awwwww! This is so cute! I posted this on my old blog for Mother's Day. But now I am warning anyone who hasn't read the series will be wishing they hadn't read this or seen the picture...
This is Bella and her baby Reneesme. Bella has a kid in Breaking Dawn. Her daughter's full name is "Reneesme Carlie Cullen".
If you read the series then you already know, but if you didn't then you just kiled the movies and series for yourself. Buh Bye! Going to bed now!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 7:15 PM
I saw it!
Oh my goodness! I SAW IT! It was funny and sad at the same time. And surprising! BUT I can't tell you because it would kill the movie. That sucks for YOU GUYS! See the movie to find out what happened that was really drastic! So, see it!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:42 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New Follower!
Well you guys I have a brand new follower! I know if I had plenty more followers I probably wouldn't be doing this but I don't so yeah. THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING MY BLOG! It makes my day when a new person discovers my hidden Twilight blog! I am so proud of myself! I made this blog for fun, and now I reached up to 4 followers! It sounds like a little but for ME, it's not. So I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you guys are enjoying what I put out for you on my blog! ENJOY!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:53 PM
Twilight & Harry Potter
How cool is that! Harry Potter fans are mostly Twilight fans too so here is a cool thing that I found, which I thought was pretty awesome. I really like the comparison! The new Harry Potter movie also came out yesterday! I want to see the movie so bad! Too! Go see it if you haven't seen it yet! It looks good to me! αντίο! (that means "bye" in Greek)
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:37 PM
This is so sweet!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE! This is so cute! AHHHHHHHHH! He is sssssooooooo CUTE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *more unnecessary screaming* *breathless now, gasping for breath* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Gosh I'm a FREAK for ANYTHING Twilight! This is about the cutest picture I have EVER seen next too the pictures of my adorable little sister, that is only 1 year old. AHHHHHHH! Ok I'll stop now.... NOT! AHHHHHHHHH! Ok really now. BUT I'm done with this post so HA! BYE!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 5:46 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hey guys I found these "all about Twilight" things on this really cool twiaddict website. The website is :
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 1:07 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Our Funny Youtube Friends :D
HaHa! On youtube they have a group called "nigahiga". They created a video called "How to be Emo" and at the end they have an 'emo song'. At the end of the song they say "O is for On the dark side 'cause we have some fresh cookies! Cookies! WOW!" SOOOO, that is what this pic stands for.
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 5:07 PM
Seems like someone got hurt! Thats just the makeup guys, he didn't actually get hurt! I'm gonna post more pics after this.
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:53 AM
Nothing to say....
Depression hurts.....My Twilight topics are fading......
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 6:19 AM