Well I've been scanning through those junkie celebrity magazine sites and I found this picture. I'm not sure if this is actually from Eclipse but I'm sure it is. (If that makes any sense at all) LOOK AT THOSE ARMS! You'll notice the difference when you re-watch Twilight that he has grown, A LOT. Can November come any sooner? Anyways if you go on Itunes, they had posted their EXCLUSIVE clip of Jacob's Transformation. I have already seen the video plenty of times. Its cool, I mean Paul is one good-looking guy. Jared got on my nerves though. No offense but he is on the chubby side. It bothered me because he would pop out his stomach at times, while the other guys, were fit to perfection. But hey, that's just my opinion. Have Fun You Guys!!!! New Moon comes out in almost a month! AHHH! So happy! I've been waiting
too long for this!