Thursday, December 31, 2009
I Told You I Would Post Something!

Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 11:56 AM
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Picture above was on Devian Art: NOT MINE. But I'm so very, very, very, very, very SORRY! I was planning on posting something on Christmas day but I couldn't! I've also been drawing a whole ton of werewolf shape shifters. Well let me tell you what I got for Christmas :
* New Moon Calender
* New Moon Volturi Shirt
* New Moon Team Wolfpack Shirt
* New Moon Howling Wolf Necklace
* New Moon Tribal Keychain
* Paramore Shirt ( I love that band!)
* Rockband 2 ( SO FUN!)
* Jeans ( I guess this is a gift but I got it like one day before Christmas)
* OH MY JACOB! ALMOST FORGOT! A Faux Leather Jacket!
I love all of these gifts and New Years is tomorrow! I SWEAR I will post something tomorrow, I SWEAR!!!!!!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 1:55 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Runaways Rating is...........

Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 2:24 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
As you've noticed....
Well, I know I have been posting several "widgets" and you only see them HALFWAY. I'm really sorry about that. I know its the layouts fault but I'm still sorry about you guys only seeing it partially. I only want the best for my Twilight fans. :) Post something soon!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 7:20 AM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Happy Super Early Valentine's Day!

Yum! These look really good! Talk about a chocolate craving! The wolf one is awesome, I wonder how they made the Cullen crest one, that must have been hard... But I'm having a wonderful winter break so far, love it! Getting a little chilly but hey! it's Christmas time. I'm actually gonna set up my tree right now so have yourself a happy time and eat some chocolate! *nom nom nom* Oh yeah happy very early Valentine's Day! I hate Taylor Swift, bye!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 7:59 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hey guys sorry I'm so late! Umm..... you guys probably watched SNL with Taylor Lautner ( I did), and hey it was funny! AND The Runaways trailer is OUT! Kristen looks AWESOME! You could just look it up on Youtube because I did. ( Because I have NO CLUE how to post a video.) Have an awesome Christmas guys! I'll try to get the latest Twilight news as fast as I can because of Winter Break! CRAZY Christmas shopping so I'll try! Post something soon!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 2:25 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 4:50 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Alota News!!

Taylor Lautner will be hosting SNL next Saturday!(^Picture above^)
Burger King hosting one of the biggest thing merchandise today! I got my crown too!
Posted by TaylorPAWS:P at 1:33 PM