Well David Slade ( Eclipse Movie Director) is planning a New Year's gift......hmmmm.....MAYBE IT'S AN ECLIPSE TEASER TRAILER! If it is I swear I'm gonna die. He is really making my stomach roll up and give me butterflies. The EXPECTATION and ANTICIPATION is driving me CRAZY! Oh and I hope you have an awesome New Years and have a great 2010 Twilight crazed year to come!
HI! I like to hang out with my friends, talk with my friends, do anything with friends basically. I LOVE the Twilight series and the Percy Jackson series. I have an interest in crime shows and dogs. I like writing and I'm actually writing a book right now. Once I finish writing and copyrighting it I will post the title.If I can go anywhere in the world I would go to London. I have a dog myself and enjoy listening to music. I like to go over to friends houses too. I JUST LIKE TO HAVE FUN!